ADU Survey: Building ADUs Precisely

ADU Survey: Building ADUs Precisely

Before advancing with the actual building of accessory dwelling units (ADUs), homeowners may wonder if they have to obtain a survey. Indeed, in Sacramento, California, permit submission requires a site

Septic System as a Key Element of a Modern ADU

Septic System as a Key Element of a Modern ADU

With the scarcity of housing in the US, the question of using the full potential of the already existing property has never been that acute. Instead of buying new houses,

ADU Stormwater Management: Safe and Sustainable Construction Project

ADU Stormwater Management: Safe and Sustainable Construction Project

Accessory dwelling units development is not only a fascinating process of thinking through the interior or the selection of decorative elements, but also many other less creative, but no less


    ADU Grading Plan For Perfect Building

    ADU Grading Plan For Perfect Building

    When permitting an accessory dwelling unit, some regional governments may demand to obtain a grading plan prior to ADU development. The reason behind it is that an elaborate site plan

    Duplex ADU: Multifamily Accessory Dwelling Units

    Duplex ADU: Multifamily Accessory Dwelling Units

    Many single-family households have already used such an affordable housing solution as an accessory dwelling unit. Over recent years, ADu regulations in California have significantly relaxed, allowing the construction of

    ADU Foundation Types

    ADU Foundation Types

    Nowadays, the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) has become a prevalent type of architectural design. Basically, it’s a smaller second house that shares the property lot with the primary residence. Usually,

    How to Get Around ADU Owner Occupancy

    How to Get Around ADU Owner Occupancy

    In the state of California, there’s no more requirement for owner occupancy if you decide to build an ADU. However, owner-occupied property still has several benefits in comparison with rental

    Preliminary Title Report Cost: Essential Document for Homeowners

    Preliminary Title Report Cost: Essential Document for Homeowners

    Any action with real estate, whether it’s selling, renting, or starting the ADU construction, always has a close connection with document management. Each document plays a certain role, and ignoring

    ADU Ideal Lot: Creating Perfect Livable Space

    ADU Ideal Lot: Creating Perfect Livable Space

    An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a fully functional living space created within your existing parcel. An ADU is a small secondary home with all the basic amenities for a

    Can you Build on an Easement? ADUs

    Can you Build on an Easement? ADUs

    Perhaps every property owner who has ever considered building an ADU has heard about ADU regulations. When you construct an accessory dwelling unit on your lot, you need to ensure

    ADU Trends 2024: Exploring Innovative ADU Construction

    ADU Trends 2024: Exploring Innovative ADU Construction

    An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a more affordable alternative to traditional construction. In recent years, more and more homeowners have started to perceive ADUs as a solution to the

    ADU 20-Day Notice and ADU Building

    ADU 20-Day Notice and ADU Building

    When 20-Day Notices come to the homeowner’s address, they may find themselves puzzled. The reason behind it is a lack of knowledge about what exactly you have to do after

    Finding ADU Builders, You Can Trust

    Finding ADU Builders, You Can Trust

    Accessory dwelling units have become quite widespread over the years. ADU construction processes can be challenging to manage all by yourself, so many homeowners opt for ADU builder teams. At

    ADU Heat Pump: Energy-Efficient Way of Heating and Cooling Your Unit

    ADU Heat Pump: Energy-Efficient Way of Heating and Cooling Your Unit

    Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) do not cease to amaze the homeowners who have decided to install them on their property. While being a popular choice for its convenience and multifaceted

    How Much Space Do You Need For an ADU?

    How Much Space Do You Need For an ADU?

    The appearance of the accessory dwelling unit on the site next to the primary residence is undoubtedly one of the best transformations of the existing space. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs)

    How Small Can an ADU Be

    How Small Can an ADU Be

    An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a self-sufficient small home located on the same parcel as your primary residence. Each accessory dwelling unit must have functionality and comfort similar to

    How Many Bedrooms an ADU Can Have

    How Many Bedrooms an ADU Can Have

    An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a freestanding, self-sufficient structure on the same land as the central or primary dwelling unit. The number of bedrooms permissible for such a unit

    What is an ADU Apartment

    What is an ADU Apartment

    Accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, are some of the most affordable housing options. These secondary suites provide a compact living area on the existing lot, allowing property owners to accommodate

    How Much Do ADU Plans Cost

    How Much Do ADU Plans Cost

    When we talk about constructing an accessory dwelling unit, associations immediately arise about the possible generation of rental income, a comfortable reception for a guest, or the fact that projects

    How To Split ADU Utilities

    How To Split ADU Utilities

    When planning an ADU project (accessory dwelling unit), one of the foremost dilemmas that an owner faces is deciding the best way to split the utility bills. One should not

    How Much Are Tiny Homes

    How Much Are Tiny Homes

    In a world where big houses and sprawling traditional homes dominate, there's a passionate shift towards the essence of a tiny home. Your own tiny house is more than just

    Unique Tiny Homes

    Unique Tiny Homes

    The world of tiny living has taken the world by storm, not just because of its practicality, but because of its ability to create beautiful and unique tiny homes. These

    Log Cabin Tiny Homes: A Blend of Tradition and Modern Living

    Log Cabin Tiny Homes: A Blend of Tradition and Modern Living

    For centuries, the log cabin has been a symbol of humble beginnings, rustic charm, and the adventurous spirit. Today, with the evolution of the tiny house movement, the log cabin

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